Stressed and tired of getting ill?

alt=stressed and illDoes this sound familiar? You get ill every time you get stressed. It could be a migraine, cold sores, it could be colds, stomach upsets or fungal infections. If this is you, it doesn’t matter what the illness is, it is draining and predictable.

Modern-day life. Ancient body response.

Here’s what happens. Anxieties, worries about work, feeling over-stretched, money problems or just the way your phone never stops ringing, these are all aspects of modern-day living, but they get to you. When your brain thinks you are under threat your body releases adrenalin into the blood stream. It’s a natural response which triggers a raise in blood sugar levels and triglycerides (fats) which are meant to help you when you have to take action. Your ancestors might have been fighting for their lives or running away. Today, you usually can’t physically run away from something stressful and it’s just as rare that you can stop or avoid the problem. When we can’t physically remove ourselves from stressful things we lie awake playing them over and over which causes more adrenalin to be released. Classic vicious circle. You have all the mental worry and no physical action to take to burn off the adrenalin.

You shouldn’t be surprised that you get ill.

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Disease Mongering

I know, I watch too much TV
 Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz
Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz

I’m a huge Big Bang Theory fan. It reminds me of the science orientated, questing, debating family I grew up in. I was watching an episode recently (The Mommy Observation) in which Leonard says to Penny: ‘You don’t go into science for the money.’ To which Bernadette pipes up ‘Speak for your self. Last month my company both invented and cured Restless Eye Syndrome.’ It’s fiction, but what Bernadette is referring to is Disease Mongering.

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What goes on in a Homeopathic consultation?

alt= homeopathic consultationHow come it takes an hour or more?

A homeopathic consultation is like no other.  Homeopathic theory says that every illness is an external sign of the internal disturbance of your vital force, you chi, your life force, whatever you want to call it. What I am doing in a homeopathic consultation with a patient is trying to find the trail that will lead me to the right remedy to start to correct the disturbance in your vital force. All I have to do is find the remedy that matches your symptoms. The easier part of the equation is finding the remedy. The harder part is establishing the symptoms.

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PMS pre-menstrual syndrome

alt=snarling lionness PMS pre-menstrual syndrome
Feeling Snarly

You feel snappy and mean. Your breasts are tender and your ankles are swollen. Chocolate is your only friend. Yes, you’ve got PMS again. You know that these last few days before your period are going to be a struggle. At least nowadays you recognise it for what it is and you no longer believe that the world has turned against you, but it still feels like it.

Most women get premenstrual syndrome at some time. But only between 10 – 20% get it to the degree that it blights their lives. PMS has been the cause of women leaving their jobs, falling out with friends and even ending relationships.

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I think I’m losing it

alt= losing it, confusionDo you ever get the feeling that you are losing it? ‘What did I come in here for?’  ‘I’ve lost my thread. What was I about to say?’ ‘Where are they? I know I put them here somewhere.’  Is this familiar? Does it sound like you? It sounds like a lot of my patients. It also sounds like me sometimes too on occasion. I know what that is like. I’ve missed planes (see Forgiveness), lost keys and very, very, very slowly, while looking the other way, driven my car into a post and written it off.

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Killer headache

You’ve got that blinding headache again. It’s (probably) one-sided and pounding or throbbing. It pins you to the spot. You don’t want to see anyone or be disturbed, can’t stand the light, noise or smells  and it might go on for days. Yes, it’s another migraine.

I’ll come clean here. I’ve only had one bad headache in my life in my twenties, but I remember at the time thinking I’d rather be dead than go on in that sort of pain for any longer. I am truly in awe of people who have migraines and somehow get on with life.

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Oh no! You’ve got indigestion again. It’s that terrible pain in your chest that always makes you think you are having a heart attack. Or that horrible feeling of fullness that means you can’t consider bending over. Or that embarrassing belching and a bad taste in your mouth. Whatever it is, it probably comes from a faulty upper digestive tract.

It’s not surprising that it feels so awful because digestion is a complex system, mixing your food with enzymes that require strong alkaline and then strong acid solutions to work. So you’re dealing with a chemistry set. The acid in your stomach can be as low as 1 or 2 on a ph scale and that is very acidic.

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Forgiveness – the hardest step

alt= forgiveness
The path to forgiveness

I know you find it hard to let go, forgive and move on. Me too. You find yourself thinking about people who’ve let you down or a time when you’ve felt attacked or someone’s hurt you. You go over and over what you could have said or what you should have done. The fact of the matter is that if you continue thinking about past for  years, it shows the energy is still alive inside you.

It’s really hard to forgive other people. But it’s even harder to forgive yourself.

Two years ago, I booked for Bev and I to go diving in Malta and we got to Stansted in plenty of time. That’s fortunate, I thought, because the queue was huge. Continue reading

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Jealousy is eating me up

green heart jealousy
Jealous heart

So you get jealous, hurt and suspicious in your relationships? I know what that feels like. That feeling of being consumed by it when you can’t behave normally and you are ashamed to admit it to anyone. And the idea of speaking to someone only feels like it will weaken and cheapen you and make the problem more real. Continue reading

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Homeopathy at home – top 10 remedies

dreamstime_s_37765827.donePeople often ask if they can use homeopathy at home. The answer is yes. But illnesses and injuries happen at unpredictable times, usually when you can’t get the homeopathic remedies that you need. The pharmacies sell kits but if you haven’t got one, start your own. Store them in glass bottles, not plastic. They last for years. I’ve used a bottle of Nux Vomica that was 100+ years old with immediate good effect. Get 30 potency which is widely available and the most useful strength. You can buy them in many non specialist shops but to be sure that you have a good source of well cared for remedies, buy them from a homeopathic pharmacy like Helios or Ainsworth’s. See below for details. Continue reading

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