Life is speeding by


alt=life speeding by
Stop the world I want to get off.

Your life is passing too quickly. Time is going too fast. Every day seems to flash by in a whirr of things that have to be done and your To Do list doesn’t get shorter despite your best intentions.

It’s true that days, weeks, months and even years seem to go more quickly. It’s common across the generations. As a teenager I remember hearing uncles and aunts saying how fast life was going, and my grandparents telling them ‘just wait until you’re my age’.

It is not unusual

Apparently the reasons that we feel like this are because we are either distracted and don’t pay enough attention to each thing that we do, or we have to do things that cause us stress and anxiety and so we don’t concentrate on the time we are not doing them.

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Stressed and tired of getting ill?

alt=stressed and illDoes this sound familiar? You get ill every time you get stressed. It could be a migraine, cold sores, it could be colds, stomach upsets or fungal infections. If this is you, it doesn’t matter what the illness is, it is draining and predictable.

Modern-day life. Ancient body response.

Here’s what happens. Anxieties, worries about work, feeling over-stretched, money problems or just the way your phone never stops ringing, these are all aspects of modern-day living, but they get to you. When your brain thinks you are under threat your body releases adrenalin into the blood stream. It’s a natural response which triggers a raise in blood sugar levels and triglycerides (fats) which are meant to help you when you have to take action. Your ancestors might have been fighting for their lives or running away. Today, you usually can’t physically run away from something stressful and it’s just as rare that you can stop or avoid the problem. When we can’t physically remove ourselves from stressful things we lie awake playing them over and over which causes more adrenalin to be released. Classic vicious circle. You have all the mental worry and no physical action to take to burn off the adrenalin.

You shouldn’t be surprised that you get ill.

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