
Killer headache

You’ve got that blinding headache again. It’s (probably) one-sided and pounding or throbbing. It pins you to the spot. You don’t want to see anyone or be disturbed, can’t stand the light, noise or smells  and it might go on for days. Yes, it’s another migraine.

I’ll come clean here. I’ve only had one bad headache in my life in my twenties, but I remember at the time thinking I’d rather be dead than go on in that sort of pain for any longer. I am truly in awe of people who have migraines and somehow get on with life.

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Homeopathy at home – top 10 remedies

dreamstime_s_37765827.donePeople often ask if they can use homeopathy at home. The answer is yes. But illnesses and injuries happen at unpredictable times, usually when you can’t get the homeopathic remedies that you need. The pharmacies sell kits but if you haven’t got one, start your own. Store them in glass bottles, not plastic. They last for years. I’ve used a bottle of Nux Vomica that was 100+ years old with immediate good effect. Get 30 potency which is widely available and the most useful strength. You can buy them in many non specialist shops but to be sure that you have a good source of well cared for remedies, buy them from a homeopathic pharmacy like Helios or Ainsworth’s. See below for details. Continue reading

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